Javascript Tree Menu by
(c) 2006, DHTML-Tree

    Description of Files

Description of Menu Files

DHTML Tree package contains the following files:

data-tree.js data file with menu parameters, items, styles and XP styles
This file can be renamed. You can generate this fil in DHTML Tuner.
dtree.js main engine file
dtree_add.js additional module for floatable/movable menus.
dtree_dyn.js additional module with dynamic API functions

The javascript menu loads different engine files according to the selected features of the menu to abate a loadable data level.


Adjustable menu parameters are situated in a separate .js-file (data-tree.js by default).
You can rename this file as you want.
This file includes:

    1. Menu parameters.
    2. Items, styles and XP styles.
    3. Function for a menu initialization (dtree_init()).

See sample code.

You can place all content from data.js file into html page directly within <script></script> tags.
It can be helpful when you load menu parameters and items from database (e.g. mySQL) using a server side script (ASP, PHP, VB, etc.).

Use DHTML Tuner application to create, adjust and save such files for your tree menus.


The dtree_dyn.js file is the module with Javascript functions of the menu.
These dynamic functions allow you to change menu parameters and its components "on the fly" without reloading of the page.

Using these functions you can:
     - add/delete/show/hide menu items;
     - add/delete sub menus;
     - expand/collapse items and sub menus;
     - change parameters and appearance of items;
     - get different info about components of the menu;
     - etc.

To enable these Javascript functions you should set the following menu parameter:

var tdynamic=1;

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