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    DHTML Tuner GUI. DHTML Menu Creator!

    DHTML Tuner is a GUI that helps you to create and customize DHTML Menu.
It has a user-friendly interface that allows you to create dhtml dropdown menu without difficulty and in no time.
    Be you a beginner or a professional at HTML/Javascript you're able to use all the power of DHTML Menu to create a wonderful navigation system for your website or for a web-based application without any difficulty.

    DHTML Tuner is a free application for DHTML Menu. You can use it both with trial and purchased versions of DHTML Menu.

DHTML Tuner has 2 versions:
     - exe-application (Windows OS)
     - HTML version (MAC OS)

DHTML Tuner Screenshot Exe-application (for Windows OS)
  • Creating and adjusting
    DHTML Menu & DHTML Tree & DHTML Tabs
  • Creating and setting individual styles
  • Saves and loads ready to use .js files
  • Ready to use templates for menu
  • Real-time preview
  • Generates search engine friendly code
  • Generates and saves Google XML Sitemap
  • Generates and saves Sitemap HTML
    DHTML menu creator can be found in the trial package of DHTML Menu here.

    DHTML Tuner (Windows version) help.

DHTML Tuner Screenshot HTML version (for MAC OS)
  • Creating and adjusting DHTML Menu
  • Creating and setting individual styles
  • Real-time preview
  • Generates and loads ready to use Javascript code for menu .js files
    HTML version of DHTML Tuner can be found in the trial package of DHTML Menu here.

    DHTML Tuner (HTML version) help.

Copyright (c) 2012, DHTML-Menu.com
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