Apycom Software: apycom.com Apycom's DHTML Tree Menu   version 2.0
Samples:     Blue  |     Silver  |     Olive  |     Orange  |     Green  |     Red  |     Standard Tree  |

See also:   What's New  |   How To Setup  |   Parameters  |   Menu Items  |   Individual Styles  |

Parameters Info

var tmenuWidth = 250; Width of the menu in (px, % or other units).
var tmenuHeight = 400; Height of the menu in (px, % or other units).
If the value 0 - the menu sets its height automatically.
If the value is small - scrollbars appear.
var tblankImage = "blank.gif"; Path to a blank image.
Usually it's a GIF image with a transparent background, size 1x1 px.
var tlevelDX = 20; Indent for each level of items (in px).
var texpandItemClick = 0; 0 - expand items on a [+]-button click only;
1 - expand items on a mouse click.
var texpanded = 1; Expands all menu.
0 - don't expand items;
1 - expands all menu items by defaults.
To expand a separate item by default add '+' symbol before item's text.
var titemTarget = "_blank"; Default target for all items.
var titemCursor = "default"; Items cursor.
var ttoggleMode = 1; Enables a toggle-mode.
0 - disabeld, 1 - items stay highlighted after mouse click.
var tpressedFontColor = "#AA0000"; Color of a text of selected items.
Used when var ttoggleMode = 1.
var tcloseExpanded = 0; Enables the mode when 1 item only can be expanded.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
var tcloseExpandedXP = 0; Enables the mode when 1 submenu only can be expanded (XP-style).
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
var tsaveState = 0; Saves a menu state.
0 - disable state saving;
1 - enable state saving - the menu saves items state for a next visit.
apytmenu_ss.js file must be included into html page!
var tabsolute = 1; Menu positioning.
0 - static position, 1 - absolute position.
var tleft = 20;
var ttop = 30;
X and Y coordinates of a top-left menu corner.
Work if var absolute = 1.
  Floatable Menu
var tfloatable = 1; Creates a floatable menu - when the page is scrolled the menu remains visible.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
apytmenu_add.js file must be included into html page!
var tfloatIterations = 6; Sets a floatation speed. The less the value is the more the speed is.
var tfloatableX = 1;
var tfloatableY = 1;
Set a floatable ability for the menu along X and Y axes.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
  Movable Menu
var tmovable = 0; Creates a movable menu - you can use a mouse to move a menu.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
apytmenu_add.js file must be included into html page!
var tmoveImage = "move.gif"; Image of the drag spacer.
var tmoveHeight = 12; Height of the drag spacer.
var tmoveColor = "#AAAAAA"; Color of the drag spacer.
var tfontStyle = "normal 11px Tahoma, Arial"; Font style.
var tfontColor = ["#444444","#FFFFFF"]; Normal and mouseover font colors.
var tfontDecoration = ["none","underline"]; Normal and mouseover font color decorations
Available values: "none", "underline", "line-through", "overline".
var tfontColorDisabled = "#ACACAC"; Font color for a disabled item.
The item is disabled when its target is "_".
  Items Appearance
var titemBackColor = ["#FFFFFF","#4792E6"]; Normal and mouseover background colors of items.
var titemBackImage = ["bkgr1.gif","bkgr2.gif"]; Normal and mouseover background images of items.
var titemHeight = 22; Height of items.
  Icons & Buttons
var ticonWidth = 16; Width of icons.
var ticonHeight = 16; Height of icons.
var ticonAlign = "left"; Alignment of icons.
var texpandBtn = ["expand1.gif", "expand2.gif", "collapse1.gif"]; Images for expand-buttons of items: normal, mouseover, expanded.
Mouseover image is optional parameter in version 2.0.
var texpandBtnW = 9; Width of expand-buttons.
var texpandBtnH = 9; height of expand-buttons.
var texpandBtnAlign = "left" Alignment of expand-buttons.
Available values: "left", "right".
  Menu Appearance
var tmenuBackColor = "#FFFFFF"; Background color of the menu.
var tmenuBackImage = "back.gif"; Background image of the menu.
var tmenuBorderColor="#CCCCCC"; Border color of the menu.
var tmenuBorderStyle = "solid"; Border style of the menu.
var tmenuBorderWidth = 0; Border width of the menu.
var tpoints = 0; 0 - don't show menu lines;
1 - show menu lines.
var tpointsImage = "pointsh.gif"; Horizontal lines image.
var tpointsVImage = "pointsv.gif"; Vertical lines image.
var tpointsCImage = "pointsc.gif"; Corner lines image.
var tXPStyle = 1; Enables XP-style for Tree Menu.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
var tXPIterations = 5; Animation speed for submenus.
The less the value is the more the speed is.
var tXPTitleBackColor = "#265BCC"; Background color of submenus title.
var tXPTitleBackImg = "titleback.gif"; Background image of submenus title.
var tXPTitleLeft = "titleleft.gif"; Left border image of submenus title (used when a title has no icons).
var tXPTitleLeftWidth = 4; Width of left border image of submenus title (var tXPTitleLeft).
var tXPExpandBtn = ["exp1.gif","exp2.gif", "coll1.gif","coll2.gif"]; Images for expand-buttons of submenus title:
expanded-normal, expanded-mouseover, collapsed-normal, collapsed-mouseover.
var tXPBtnWidth = 25;
var tXPBtnHeight = 25;
Width and height of expand-buttons of submenus title.
var tXPIconWidth = 30;
var tXPIconHeight = 32;
Width and height of icons within submenus title.
var tXPFilter = 1; Fade effect for submenus in Internet Explorer.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
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