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    Setting Pressed Item Example
function apy_setPressedItem()

You can set pressed item manually usign apy_setPressedItem() function:

apy_setPressedItem(menuN, submenuN, itemN, recurse)

   menuN - menu number on page;
   submenuN - submenu number in specified menu;
   itemN - item number in specified submenu;
   recurse - true/false. Mark all parent items.

Menu, submenu and item numeration begins from 0.
Parameter submenu=0 means that top menu selected.

Note: to unmark pressed item call the function once again for this item.
To see how it works click following links:

1. Set "Our products/Product 1" as pressed.
    menuN=0, submenuN=1, itemN=0, recurse=true.

2. Set "Our products/Product 2/Setup/Tutorial" as pressed.
    menuN=0, submenuN=3, itemN=1, recurse=true.

3. Set "Javascript calls/Click to call confirmation dialog" as pressed without recurse.
    menuN=0, submenuN=7, itemN=1, recurse=false.

    Note: if you call the function with recurse=false, parent items of current presed item didn't unmark.

To see configuration file (.js file) click here

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