Why DHTML Tabs?
What's New
1. Internet Explorer 8 support for all Deluxe products! 2. Google Map inserted into the tabs content wasn't displayed in Internet Explorer 6. 3. New parameter is added to Individual Item Style in Deluxe Tabs: bfontColor=#FFFFFF,#C0C0C0,#80FFFF bfontDecoration=underline,none,line-through 4. Minor fixes.
1. Minor fixes.
1. AJAX-like technology: data for submenus can be loaded "on-the-fly" from the server. New parameter: var tajax = 0/1; - disables/enables AJAX-like support Current syntax for item parameters (var tmenuItems): [text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, iconExpanded, tip, target, itemStyleInd, itemXPStyleInd, jsFileName] Where jsFileName - .js filename on the server with submenu items (var tmenuItems). 2. New parameters: - var tXPAlign = left / right; - alignment of item image in XPStyle. - var tXPMenuSpace=10; - set the space between toplevel menu items in XP-Style. - var tpointsBImage=""; - branch lines image. etc. 3. Fix for Firefox on MAC: in XP-Style top level menu item disappeared when it expands. 4. Fixes for Safari on MAC: - top level menu items were expanded without animation; - when subitem was collapsed then it was hidden behind main menu. 5. Fix for IE: unneeded scrollbar was appeared for HTML 4.01 DOCTYPE. 6. Fix for Netscape 7: when subitem was collapsed/expanded the scrollbar was appeared. 7. Save the menu state for current domen. 8. Top items in XP-Style are clickable now if its link is defined. 9. Other minor fixes.
1. Menu loads .js modules automatically. dTabs_ss.js is deleted, code moved into dTabs.js file. 2. Fix for empty image names (e.g. titemBackImage = ["",""]) 3. Fix for texpandItemClick and tcloseExpanded - click on item text doesn't collapse expanded items 4. New parameters: - var tWorkPath - It's necessary to define this parameter before dTabs.js if .js files of the menu aren't placed into the same directory where html page is placed. - var tpathPrefix_img - Path prefix for menu images. This string will be added for all image paths in the menu javascript. - var tpathPrefix_link - Path prefix for menu links. This string will be added for all links in the menu. etc. DHTML Tabs![]() Using DHTML Tabs is a very space-saving way to display the information. Now you don't have to be baffled over the problem how to design the page in the best way. If you have a large amount of data and your page needs to be scrolled down - DHTML Tabs is your choice! Just divide the information and distribute it among the dhtml tabs so that your guests could reach the next piece of information with one single click. Several types of data can be put on one page. No more uncomfortable reading with scrolling! There is no need to load a large number of pages to find the information you want. DHTML Tabs will really lighten the work of site building as it allows to place much data within one page without creating many others. You are free to create javascript tabs with text, images and practically all kinds of information in various combinations. You can also create any wished design inside the tab using HTML. And you can add as many tabs on your page as you wish! Try DHTML Tabs! |