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    Our submenus don't appear alignment to the toplevel dhtml tab menu.

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Q: Comprehensive Mental Health has a website license for the dhtml tab menu. We are currently running version 2.0.

Unless we set the topdy parameter to be -65, our submenus do not appear adjacent to the toplevel dhtml tab menu. What is causing this problem?

A: It is possible that you have some problems with your css styles.
Problem is that the dhtml tab menu can't get the value of "position" attribute of the object if the object doesn't have this property within inline style (style="position:absolute; top:100px; left:50px;"). To get the value you should move .css style into style="" attribute.

You should add <DIV id=SiteMenu>

to the


So, you'll have:

<DIV id=SiteMenu style="position:absolute;">

Check that.

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