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    How can I define which simple dropdown menu submenus should be multicolumn and wich one looks "normal".

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Q: My simple dropdown menu works super.

Anyway, I would like to make it more comfortable for my users.

I would like to know if it possible to create a Multicolumn simple dropdown menu?


and define which submenu should be multicolumn and wich one looks "normal".

In your example all simple dropdown menu options which have submenus have multicolumn look.

But is it possible to create such Multicolumn look using your software?

Group_01       Group_02       Group_03
    - xxx             - xxx             - xxx
    - xxx             - xxx             - xxx
    - xxx             - xxx             - xxx
Group_04       Group_05       Group_06
    - xxx             - xxx             - xxx
    - xxx             - xxx             - xxx
    - xxx             - xxx             - xxx

A: Yes, you can create such simple dropdown menu.
You can create "normal" items using separator.

See the attached example.

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