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    The submenu of submenu in html will continue to grow horizontally.

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Q: We are having a problem with your submenu in html, when you go down into a sub menu, and then back to the item that called it, the sub menu will grow.

For example, if i have this submenu in html structure


If I MouseOver New and then MouseOver File and again New the submenu will grow horizontally.

I know its something we have done with the submenu in html, since there doesn't seem to be a problem on your site.

A: We heard about such problems with submenu in html. I suppose that you have such effect in IE.

Please, try not to use shadow in the submenu in html.
Please, set the following parameter:
var shadowLen=0;

Try also write all units in "px", for example:

var itemPadding = "3px";

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