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    Can I create context menus on right click with Vertical drop down menu?

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Q: I have a few questions before I'll buy the menu.

-#1 Any issues like IE memory leaks by using vertical drop down menu. I am asking this we are having some issues with the present menu control we are using. IE hangs up when the web page is idle for more than 20 mins.

-#2 Can DM support context menus on right click with in a DIV and on a button click.

ex: I have a Options button on the web page and also a DIV which is transformed using xml and xsl.

Onclick of the button and right click within the DIV area should popup the same vertical drop down menu.

I have various DIVs and each DIV has its own context vertical drop down menu.

A: 1. We don't know about such problems with vertical drop down menu. Please, try a trial version of DHTML Menu. It has a full functionality.
2. DHTML Menus supports such a feature. Please, go to http://dhtml-menu.com/menu/, section "Samples->Functional Samples->Popup Menu"

You can create any number of menus on a page as you want.

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